Need clarification? We have the answers!

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) dedicated to Koki Software. Here, we’re here to address all your questions regarding our solution, products, and services. Whether it’s about setup, usage, or any other aspect of our offering, you’ll find clear and concise answers here. If a specific question persists, feel free to contact us for a tailored response. Your satisfaction is our priority.

application innovante

The Solution

Everything you need to know about our Koki Software solution.

How Does the Koki Software Subscription Work?

The Koki Software subscription is based on a 24 or 48-month plan, with monthly payments for added flexibility. It provides access to our entire Koki Software platform, along with mobile applications specially designed to meet various needs:

  • Koki Agent: Dedicated application for field agents.

  • Koki Manager: Application for managers and team leaders.

  • Koki Operating Room: Application designed for operating room cleaning.

The subscription automatically renews annually on the anniversary of your contract, ensuring continuous access to our services.


Does Koki easily integrate with my other solutions?

Integrating Koki Software into your software infrastructure is straightforward and responsive. We simplify the integration process with your ERP and business software through our Plug & Play approach. We are committed to setting up efficient gateways to quickly enhance your existing system without disrupting your ongoing operations.


Can you manage multiple sites with Koki Software?

Yes, our solution is designed for seamless multi-site management. Your centralized dashboard provides a comprehensive view of activities across all your sites. You can cross-reference and analyze data from different sites, facilitating decision-making and operational optimization. Moreover, transitioning between sites is simple and fast, and you can easily apply specific group or security strategies to each site.


Security & Data

Protecting your data, ensuring your confidentiality.

How is the security of your data ensured?

Are you concerned about the security of your data in Koki Software? Rest assured, the confidentiality of your information is our top priority. No data collected by Koki Software or its mobile applications is shared with third parties. Furthermore, to enhance security, all your data is carefully encrypted during transmission, ensuring secure connections.


We utilize XEFI’s secure infrastructure to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data. Please note that we are currently in the process of ISO 27001 certification, further reinforcing our commitment to data security. You can be assured that your information is in good hands, securely managed for your peace of mind.


How does Koki facilitate data collection in the field?

You may wonder how to effectively collect data in the field with Koki Software. Our solution provides a comprehensive range of equipment and IoT devices to manage your operations. In addition to our mobile applications, our devices are designed to meet all your operational needs, including:

  • Precise room traceability

  • Measurement of service quality

  • Tracking interventions

  • Occupancy and flow measurement (and more with IoT devices)

  • Analysis of performance indicators

Our industry experts carefully select the equipment best suited to your project and infrastructure, ensuring smooth and efficient data collection.


How do Koki Software updates work?

Updates for Koki are included in the license cost. Our updates are automatically deployed, saving you any action on your part.


Hardware is periodically replaced to ensure optimal performance. Additionally, security updates are regularly performed to protect your data. Our commitment to security and reliability extends beyond our software to include the hardware we provide, ensuring you have a comprehensive and continuously updated solution.



Ease of use and educational support.

How to facilitate the use of the application for users?

Every day, hundreds of people effortlessly use the Koki Software application. Even novice users, including substitutes and new employees, quickly adapt to the application without encountering major difficulties. This ease of use is at the core of our philosophy, ensuring that our application is accessible to everyone. Furthermore, our initial training program supports our clients for seamless integration.


How does agent training proceed?

During the installation of our solution, our trainers spend time with agents to introduce them to the use of our software. This approach aims to ensure that your teams are comfortable with our solution right from the start. We understand that each establishment has its own specificities, which is why we tailor our training according to your specific needs.


The ease of use of Koki Software is one of our top priorities. As a result, agent training is intuitive for most, and many users are able to learn independently thanks to our user-friendly interface. Furthermore, to further facilitate understanding, we have included images and visual aids, which are particularly helpful for those facing reading difficulties.


We also offer a trial period so you can evaluate your agents’ ability to adapt to our tool. This period ensures a smooth transition to optimal use of Koki Software, while providing personalized support if needed.



Optimized deployment tailored to your needs.

How to Deploy Koki Software in the Field?

Wondering how to implement Koki Software in the field? At Koki Software, we make this step as simple as possible for you. From the outset, our team is there to guide you through the entire deployment process. We assign a dedicated coach to your account, who handles the configuration of your interfaces and is available to answer all your questions.


Our mobile applications are easily accessible for free download on the Play Store for Android. They are compatible with most smartphones. Additionally, for simplified deployment, Koki Software also offers pre-configured mobile devices.


To ensure our solutions are suitable for a wide audience, our applications are available in multiple languages.


How does the configuration of Koki Software solution proceed?

We handle much of the solution’s configuration according to your needs, which is integral to our services. Before installing Koki Software in your establishment, we gather all necessary information for configuration.


Throughout our collaboration, adjustments can be made either at your request or by us to meet your evolving needs.


What if I don't have Wi-Fi in my facility?

Don’t have constant Wi-Fi connection? No problem! At Koki Software, we have solutions to ensure our application runs smoothly. We can integrate SIM cards into each tablet if necessary. However, it’s important to note that our tablets do not rely on a constant Wi-Fi connection for operation. A Wi-Fi connection in a single location in your establishment, where tablets pass periodically, is sufficient. In any case, we ensure that Koki Software meets your needs, regardless of your setup.



Configuration, management, and maintenance of your Koki equipment.

How can I acquire the equipment?

Koki hardware can be purchased outright or leased, depending on your needs. In both cases, our teams handle preparing the equipment, delivering it to you, and repairing it in case of malfunction.

How to proceed with the return of defective equipment?

How to manage the return of malfunctioning equipment? If you encounter an issue with any of your equipment, please contact your designated contact person through the Koki Software platform. Our dedicated team will determine whether it’s a user error or a genuine hardware issue. If necessary, we will guide you through opening a service ticket (after-sales service, SAV).

Once your SAV request is logged, our technical team will contact you to conduct an initial remote assessment. If a defect is confirmed, we will authorize the return of the equipment for repair. You will receive a receipt document containing all the information regarding this return.

The equipment repair time will not exceed 1 month from the date we receive the defective equipment at our Koki Software facilities.

How to determine the number of required tablets?

There is no need to assign one tablet to each user. Each tablet can be shared by multiple employees. To determine the number of tablets needed, simply consider the number of users working simultaneously. As a general guideline, we recommend one tablet per cleaning cart, plus an additional tablet for supervisory staff.

On which platforms is Koki Software accessible?

KOKI is a SaaS solution, which means it is accessible from a variety of devices, including computers, smartphones, and tablets, using operating systems such as MAC, Windows, PC, or Linux. Additionally, you can download the KOKI application from the PlayStore.


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